Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Maxi dress twins

Oh my, I have like billions of things to post again. But let's move on one by one.

On Sunday we had a little "quick shoot" :D

Jae and me wore matching floral maxi dresses and cowboy hats! Sisters forever!! ♥

Jae censored her mouth as she thought her expression was too tacky XD I think it was cute!

I look super tired here. Actually I was because we celebrated Laura's birthday last night. More about birthday celebration later, too!

The following photos are taken by Heikki:

My belt has dripped down in every photo T_T

Yay flowers~~

Blowing dandelions! Some of the blowing photos were quite a hilarious.. XD

Then some "off shoots" ;''D

I'm really bored and tired right now so I wanted to entertain myself. I did those stupid photos, those aren't even funny but oh well... XD

Pink kirakira poop!

Why am I such an idiot? 8D