Thursday, June 16, 2011

Info & random photos

Hoho! I made a Twitter account finally. I'm so late, I'm such a left behind XD I always followed my friends' tweets but never bothered to make a one myself. Well, now it's done! Everybody FOLLOW!

Follow zhizhibaby on Twitter

Then info about GAL beach party.

Weather has been really bad this week: so cold and rainy, and we guess it will continue like this rest of the week. So hangout on the beach would be quite an impossible.

But we just had to change the date. Check it! It's Sunday 3rd July now! Hopefully many gals are able to attend this time~ And we hope there will some sun and hotness that day, not rain :D

Then just a few random photos from this week:

After my entrance exams, I bought some sushi for me as a reward. Talking about exams.. it was really difficult as I didn't read that much. But let's see what happens..

I started going to solarium! I was there yesterday and today. I want to get little tanned for summer because I don't like that my skin is white as a dead. My plan was to go to a beach diligently but as we now the weather doesn't allow me to go there right now. My co-worker recommended this tanning salon near our work place: Golden Sun in Kaisaniemi metro station.

Mega lol @ my belt. I'm already tanned yay! But I think today I stayed too long time there because.. I burnt my butt :'''D It's red and hurts now. Not a good thing, I know T__T I think I'll still use solarium for a couple of times so I reach the level of tan I want. But I'll take a little break and not go there until next week.