Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What We Won Wednesday Oct 27

What We Won Wednesday is a weekly post to share your wins in the last week.   The idea of What We Won Wednesday is:

1. To visit your winner post,  share, and congratulate each other on our joy of winning.
2.  Encourage others 
3.  Show that people really do win giveaways and sweepstakes if you enter.
4.  Give some exposure to sites that are offering sweepstakes and giveaways
5.  JUST ADDED!  I won a gift basket at the basket party my hospital had today.  I just entered before I left work today.  A coworker just IM'd me and told me I won the Baking Basket I put in for.  So excited not only for the basket but the money used for the tickets is going to help fund mammograms at the hospital for people in need.  So win/win for that one. 

Your wins can be from anywhere.  Whatever you'd like to share.  They can  be blog giveaways, national sweepstakes, lottery ticket wins, 50/50,  basket party,  Fantasy Football, etc etc.

If you won online and remember what site you won from or the name of the  company feel free to include it.  It would be nice to see where people  are winning from.  You can post your own wins on your blog then link them up in the linky below so we can hop  around and congratulate and marvel at the prizes. 

This is a weekly post so don't forget to share weekly and link up.  I'd  love it if you would Retweet, Stumble, Digg, Buzz, facebook, blog, or  share this in any other way you'd like but it's not required.  This is anew hop and I'm hoping to see more winners participate.  No Win is too small to share!


My win for the week:

1.  3 No Throws from: http://bassgiraffe.com
2.  Kelloggs fiber plus bars gift pack from: simplystacie.net
3.  I chose a solid cream perfume for my Cream perfume co. win on: www.turning-the-clock-back.blogspot.com
4.  Libman Spray Mop from: Live, Laugh, Love 

So excited about all of these.  The No Throws I've been trying to win for a while.  I have a 16 mo old who thinks it's fun to constantly throw his sippy on the floor and have mommy pick it up.  I've been wanting to try the Cream Perfume Co's solid perfume for a while.  I must have entered about 10 giveaways since I started entering blog giveaways for the Cream Perfume Co. and I finally won. The Libman's mop will be a great help in my efforts to live greener ( you can use your own cleaning solution and the mop head is washable).  

So I had more luck this week than I've had the last few What We Won Wednesdays.  I am grateful for each and every win.  

Now It's your turn.  Link up your "What I won" posts here so we can go around and drool over your prizes and congratulate!


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