Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello~ヽ(´∀`*)ノ Sorry for the lack of updates.. again.. I've autumn holiday and I'm at Helsinki at the moment. The internet connection at Tung's doesn't work so I hadn't been able to be online for four days (∪ε∪人*) It's really horrible when you can't be online for so many days So now I came to centre to use public Internet connections hehe.. (◎ゝ∀・)ノ First I wrote this entry in such a hurry so I decided to edit it little now.

My sister baked a cake again! ( '∇^*)^☆ It was on Sunday when some relatives came to our place to celebrate my birthday. My little sister really likes decorating cakes. This time it's cookie monster cake

A week ago on Tuesday came first snow I don't like winter but when I saw snow falling it made me smile (^▽^) Snow melted right away.

I also got some new items from Yesstyle already some time ago but I hadn't had chance to post about them

This dress that I'm wearing right now \(^_^)/

Skirt from Yesstyle First I saw this kind of skirt in Yumetenbo but couldn't get it so I was very happy when I found it from Yesstyle! (@^-゜@)v

On Sunday and on Monday I've been looking through all stores in Helsinki in order to find a winter coat. It was really frustrating.. There was hardly any nice winter coats. Finally I found this grey coat from Spirit Store (≧ω≦) I should take a better picture of it. I really like that coat though the price was kinda.. enormous. I wanted dark brown coat like this but there wasn't any so I think grey is OK too

Tanja send me those cute things as a birthday gifts! (*・ω・*) So lovely!!! Bracelet goes well with my Cawaii bag and those earrings are just way too pretty

Yesterday I bought a fox tail from H&M ヽ(≧▽≦)/ It looks kinda bad and fake but it's okay for me

My school mate gave this Hello Kitty body lotion for me as a b-day gift It smells so delicious and sweet (●^o^●)

Some photos I took this Monday before going out to meet with Tanja (=°ω°=)

So today first I went to Johto Cafe to drink some mango smoothie and update my blog (*´∀`*) I updated very quickly because I didn't want Tanja to wait too long for me. We went to eat sushi (o^∇^)o It was good
