Yesterday we had beach party on Hietaniemi beach! As I already wrote in my last entry, many thanks to all who attended. Yesterday was really great and lot of fun! I hope everyone had fun there. Weather was perfect that day, too!

I expected more people to attend but it was allright with this amount of gals, too! It was easier to talk and get to know everyone in smaller group ^.^ But are gals in Finland getting lazy to attend gal meetups anymore? One year back so many gals came to meetings but for example last time we had picnic meetup but there weren't that much people. I would like to still keep those gal meetups going on because it was always so much fun to have big meetings with other gals. Draw yourself up!

Here's my look for beach.
Cowboy hat Accessorize
Bikini Yumetenbo
Earrings GinaTricot
Bracelets Seppälä & KappAhl
Sandals Yumetenbo

I got this new bikini from Yumetenbo last week! I ordered it specially for this party. This is my favourite bikini ever ♥

Sandals are also new from Yumetenbo.

Playing some beach games haha! 8D Too bad the photo is so small sized you can't see your laughing faces that well XD

And this photo is just hilarious XD Laura's hat dropped and I look like I'm gonna fall.

Water was cooling in such a hot weather :D

Our masterpiece! Building sand castle. First we tried to build shibuya 109 tower but earthquake destroyed over and over again :'D

We also hid a treasure in sand. One will be very happy finding it :'''D

Goose army coming. There were a lot of birds and I hate those. Especially seagulls. One time big group of gulls attacked in our place while we were building sand castle. Ewww.

All the time I was afraid a one would poo on me. When we left the beach, I noticed that there was gull poo on my bag! Eeeeeew too distusting!! I washed the bag right away I got home and my hands like hundreds of times XD

Beach was kinda empty when we arrived there around 12PM. After a couple of hours the beach was full of people!

Ryu and me, leaving to home. My navel is so strange, I think I should get a navel piercing to hide it XD
