Monday, July 25, 2011


For those of you who know my intense fear and dislike of my own birthday and think I have gone insane and decided to celebrate it two months later, never fear. It was one year ago that I decided to start my own blog after reading others for so long. Out of sheer boredom during the long Summer months and to cheer myself up after a woeful year, I took to writing. To keep myself amused, keep myself calm and quell the boredom that consumed my life. What I didn't really expect was that anyone, let alone eight hundred and eight of you (plus my sister who I am sure stalks me daily) would take interest in anything I had to say. Yet one year, 365 days, ninety-two posts, and some very dodgy pictures later : here we are.

When I first started this blog, I kept it under wraps from my friends/family/whoever for fear of embarrassment. And while sometimes I cringe that people I know read it, its quite nice to know they bother. While I did slightly enjoy having a 'secret life' apart from everyone I knew, it really brings a smile to my face when one of them mentions something I've written. Mortified. But thanks. So if you do know me IRL, make yourself known; or else I'd feel like a right twat!

Without ranting too much about how this little space on the internet has changed my life, which it has; I want to say thank you. Thanks to everyone who stumbled upon my little 'space' and decided to follow or even read, thanks to everyone who has commented on a post I've written, thanks to everyone who has emailed me asking for advice or just to chat and thanks to all the lovely and amazing girls I have met through my obsession with beauty and make up, especially the lovely Hannah , and Aoife. So I guess the whole point of this ramble of a post is to say thank you...Yup. Here's to another year, I hope!

Happy Monday!