Wednesday, July 27, 2011

movie with Jae + new nails

Yesterday they had "super day" in movie theathers and all movie tickets were half price. So me and Jae decided to go watch Bad Teacher. Before movie started we went to sit and chat in Johto cafe.

It was super hot day again so we ordered cold drinks: ice latte and ice tea!

My outfit. I had totally forgotten I had a top like that, found it a couple of days ago when I was browsing through my closet.

Liz Lisa
Shorts Yumetenbo
Belt Pieces
Sandals Yumetenbo
Earrings Liz Lisa
Necklace Seppälä
Bracelets Seppälä & Warehouse

In movies, it was pretty good and funny I think!

Later we saw some friends and just hanged around for a while before leaving to home. Dunno why we look so serious here. Taking pics is serious business, you know :I

I can almost see the sweat running on my face... Seriously it has been very very hot here!

Identical position of legs, um?

I did new nails on last Friday. It's very similar to the nails I did last time. As I said back then I wasn't pleased with their shape and length so I took them off pretty soon. I liked the idea of design so I wanted to give it another try. Well, those turned out a bit better but I'm not fully pleased with those either. Length is better but still not perfect. Actually the length looked nice until I decorated them. After decoing they look shorter O.O

Some of the rhinestones have detached already, too, should fix it. Next time I'll make pinkpinkbarbie -nails because actually I'm already fed up with this turquoise look..

Ribbon ring is new one from Glitter.