Sunday, July 24, 2011

Food Party!

Yesterday me and Jae arranged food party and invited a group of friends to eat at my place! But first introducing the look of yesterday~

Scarf hair ribbon is made of Isadora silk scarf by L'asessor.

It was bad hair day TToTT

Outfit of yesterday. Actually in the morning I had different outfit but messed my skirt with ketchup bohoo. I bough that blouse from flea market in the morning so I decided to coordinate it. And I think this outfit turned to look better than my original outfit!

Blouse second hand (originally from H&M)
Necklace Cawaii
High waisted shorts GinaTricot
Frilly socks Monki
Ribbon pumps Yumetenbo

So I met Jae first and we went to buy food for the night. I spent over 80 euros for food and drinks... pretty crazy but I think it was worth it! XD

Those shopping bags were super heavy and we almost died while carrying them. My hair is all messed up after running aroung with them hahaha. Here we are finally waiting a tram to my place, though! Rescue!!

I'm cooking and Jae is just lying on a couch eating shrimp crackers.

Bhahaha just kidding! She was very hard-working ;D

It took 3,5 hours to get everything done!

Menu of evening consisted:

Deep fried shrimps
Roasted duck
Chicken, tofu and corn in hoi sin sauce
Pork in sweet chili sauce
Boiled tilapia fish fillet
Udon noodle soup
Vegetable spring rolls
Shrimp crackers
Mango & strawberry puddings

In my opinion everything was delicious, I hope they tasted for everyone. We also planned to make deep fried bananas with vanilla ice cream but we run out of fry flour. Well, I think nobody wouldn't have been able to eat them after this meal, though 8D

People arrived around 6PM and it was time to start eating. I was super hungry!

After filling meal it's easy to smile hahaha :--D

Later we went to spend some time in a park near my place.

Climbing on trees..

LOL Jae! :-------D

What an interesting photos I have in my camera :'D