Friday, July 22, 2011

Make-up tutorial!

My giveaway closed yesterday so it's time to announce the winner! Big thanks to everyone who entered in.

I used number generator to pick up the lucky number.

It's number 71 and after long counting I'm happy to tell you the winner who is..
Geeky Glamorous !

Congratulations! I'll contact you after having finished this entry.

Well, I promised in a video in giveaway entry that there would be two other special things because of 2,000 followers reached. Yes I know, I'm so so late!!! But this time I'm going to post you my make-up tutorial which has been requested so many times.

Why is this so late? Because I took 4 times video of my make-up routine but they all failed. I was really pissed off! Video was always too dark, blurry, taken from too far so you could see nothing of what I was doing or it was from really bad angle. So I gave up with video and just took photos. It was much easier although it took more time. But seriously how do you people do make-up tutorial videos?!? It was so damn difficult.

Anyaway, here it is niow finally!
Zhi Zhi's everyday gyaru make-up tutorial
This will be total image heavy, be prepared.

How to turn Beast to Beauty hahah, starting from this. Clean face after morning skin care routine. I know, I look super ugly XD My face is unsymmetric, I have huge potato-like nose and combination of trimmed eyebrows and circle lenses makes me look like some sick alien. And having my hair like that.. Hahah I hope you didn't faint yet.

At least my skin is in good condition. As a make-up base I use SKIN97 Super+ Triple Functions BB cream. One of my favourite products ever. It makes skin look even more flawless and porcelain doll-like.

Then I add some MAYBELLINE's Pure.Foundation mineral loose powder foundation in shade 02 "Rose Ivory". It's pretty good but nothing special to be praised. I picked it up just because it was in discount sale lol XD

And then face contouring which is funny in my opinion. I marked areas which should be contoured: jaw lines and forehead. Contouring makes your face appear smaller and thinner. Make-up also looks more neat and natural. Forehead contouring makes your forehead appear smaller. Actually forehead contouring is useless to me as my bangs always cover my forehead but oh well.. I still do it haha. Don't know why.

I apply RIMMEL Natural Bronzer powder with a big brush to contour my face. Bronzers aren't usually recommended for contouring as they usually have some shimmer so it doesn't look good like that. Luckily my bronzer is very matte color so I can use it as contourer. But I would recommend to get some dark shaded powder or a product especially meant for contouring.

Like this. Remeber to blend it well!

Cosmagic x Kumiko Funyama blush in shade pink 101 for cheeks. I marked the colors with letters so you can understand a blush map above better.

So that's how I apply this blush. In gyaru make-up blush is applied in different way than usually. Just put a lot of bright color on your cheeks! And to understand this blush map: apply shade A on area rounded with red color, shade B on yellow area and shade C on violet area. You got it?

Close up how it should look like. Remeber to blend well in here, too! I love really bright colored pink blushes.

Time to move till eye make-up. Eyeshadow is applied first. Here's products I use for eyeshadow applying.

Eyeshadow A: MAYBELLINE's 605 Beige Nude
Eyeshadow B & C: MAYBELLINE's palette 05 Glamour Browns (there were two other lighter shades before but they ran out already)

Two different size brushes. (+ one in palette)

First apply eyeshadow A like this with a brush which is in palette. It's eyeshadow base and kind of eye highlighter.

Apply eyeshadow B with brush 1 in outer conner of eye and blend it towards inner conner.

Eyeshadow C with brush 2 in very outer conner and to give darked shadow for eye make up. Blend, blend, blend!

Acutally it's not necessary to have especially those eyeshadows, any 3 different shades of beige/white and brown can be used. I would like to try other colors than browns, too. Because I jsut use brown everyday T.T

Finally apply eyeshadow C with brush 2 like this on lower lid.

Starting to resemble of a human being, not so alien anymore kekek~ I use RIMMEL Exaggerate liquid eye liner on eye lid. It has been my credit product for years already. Would like to try out gel eyeliner, tho.

Close up to eyeliner. Draw a wing of about 2-3 cm in outer conner of eye. It's important to draw it straight, don't curve it up or down!

Apply pencil eye liner on bottom lid. I used Dermosil's Devoted black eye pencil. It makes really smooth mark and there's also a brush to blend. Start drawing from the middle of eye and make it bolder when coming towards outer conner. Leave a couple of millimetres empty in outer conner. Blend and add eye pencil also on water line under iris (or circle lense hoho!) Don't attach it to liquid eye liner line, leave there like one mm.

Mascara on upper lashes but do not apply on lower lashes! My favourite mascara is MAYBELLINE Lash Stiletto. Although I use mascara just to blend my own lashes with false ones, I still prefer mascaras which gives your lashes extra length.

And then false lashes which are one of the main point in my make-up. False lashes really make gyaru look completed. I have been using Dolly Wink no.1 "Dolly Sweet" already for a long time. But I got feeling they aren't showy enough for me and I would like to try out some other lashes. I solved the problem temporarily. I attached twopair of Dolly Wink lashes together! One on left is old one as you can see from it's condition and it's width is cut shorter. One on right is almost new. I attached them together from outer side.

Rip old glue remains with tweezers. Apply eyelash glue. Ignore my ugly bitten nails ehehe T.T I haven't had sculpture nails for weeks already. I did new ones today, though!

Glue I use is LashGrip Eyelash Adhesive and I think it's the best eyelash glue I have ever. Here you can see how big difference false eyelashes make!

Apply eyelashes on with help of tweezers. First attach the inner conner. Leave there a couple of centimetres from eye corner. Attach the middle part and then finally outer part according to your eye lining. Try to apply lashes as upwards as possible to make them show better.

Aasdahsdjshf. This language is just so bad. It's 11:30PM and I'm super tired. I can not think properly and can't create any sentences that would make sense bohoo. But I must finish doing this tonight, I must I must I must! T_T I won't give up. Well, I'm sorry for unreadable language.

Then bottom lashes. Those are Dolly Wink no.5 "Real Nude". Favourite bottom lashes! I think this style suits me best, not even a bit fed up with those! I should get new package of those as my current ones are very worn-out already. As you see, some individual lashes have loosened.

Apply lower lashes with tweezers too. The angle of this photo is not the best to show this but: apply inner conner of lash very close your lash line on where is your iris. When your eye line curves little bit upper, still attach lashes in straight line. Then apply lashes to curve little bit up, too, somehow in the middle of eye lining. Aaaaargh! I can't describe it in English words, I think none of you understood what I previously said but uhm... look the picture.

Eyelash glue seems not to be fully dried in this picture, haha.

The biggest part is over: eye make-up done.

Draw eyebrows with LUMENE Arctic Definition mineral eyebrow pencil, shade 3 "Blond".

This is the eyebrow shape I aspire to. I trim my own eyebrows shorter so it's easier to make this look, but don't shave them totally!

And this is also very important point in my make-up: nose contouring! I have always hated my nose and its shape so much. Not much can be done for it (somebody wants to sponsor me a nose job?!? XD) but at least we can rely on magic of make-up. I always feel very un-neat if I don't have nose contouring. Now when it's so hot weather, my contouring usually melts away quickly, bohoo.

Highlight your nose. I use CHANEL eyeshadow 52 beige as highligher XD Should get better one. Wow I'm so talented on drawing dashed line with paint brush. Or not. But you got it, right?

I know this sounds and looks really crazy but I contour my nose with eyebrow pencil. Same one I drew my eyebrows. But this really works best for my nose in my opinion! Just draw lines with pencil where you would like to your nose line go.

Hohohoo my nose looks so funny here. Blend well with finger. Apply more until you're satisfied with it. You can also apply more highlighter if it was scrambled.

And tadaah! Now I can cheat people that my nose was really smaller and thinnier. I think that nose contouring can make sooo big difference! Looks so much better now.

And final step: lip make-up. It's not that important and I don't even do it every time. But if I do, here's how: moisture lips and apply lip base. You can use lip concealer or be a n00b like me and use just some random foundation. Wtf is with that all hair aroung my mouth ahahah what the hell.

Nude lipstick! Mine is LUMENE's 96 "Sandy Beach". It moistures lips well, too!

And finally add some glow with MAYBELLINE colorsensational lip gloss 130 "Exquisite Pink".

Finally done!!! It takes me +30 minutes to do my make-up. I wear this make-up everyday. Too lazy (or busy?) to try anything else but well why should I? I think this make-up style suits me and my face best. In this picture I still look a bit creepy as I'm having hair like that. But when hair is done, make-up also looks better. This photo is also taken in different lightning than other photos for this tutorial. I didn't take any face shots that day after doing my hair.

Yepyep~ I actually finished doing this! I'm so proud of myself. But not so proud of all those writing mistakes. Try to bear. I think this is the longest post I have made for a while (or maybe ever!) and my fingers are cramping so bad.

Thanks everyone who looked at this and I hope this really helped those who have been asking make-up tutorial. I tried to do my best! Feel free to ask more questions, I try to answer as well as I can.

Look forward to the last special entry!!!