Tuesday, February 8, 2011

♡Lunar New Year party⌒♡+

❤ Happy Lunar New Year ❤
❤ Chúc Mừng Năm Mới ❤
❤ 新年快乐 ❤

I'm a bit late with my New Year's greetings but anyway doesn't Lunar New Year celebrating last pretty long there hehe? ━━━★

I didn't acutally celebrate Chinese New Year but Vietnamese New Year Tết
Too bad that Lunar New Year was middle of the week so I couldn't celebrate at New Year's Eve or Day as we don't have any holidays in Finland that time ヾ( ̄0 ̄ )
But at the weekend me, my boyfriend and friends had our own little New Year Party!

We gathered at Leida & Tit's house where we had first New Year's dinner (〃・ω・〃)ノ~☆・゚
But I was very stupid and didn't take any photos of New Year's foods

After dinner we dolled ourselves up and went clubbing (*゚▽゚)*゚▽゚)ノ

Leida, me and Jiachan

Leida and Jiachan are both professional make-up artists and hair stylists so my looks are so amateurish compared to their

Tung and me (〃・ω・〃)ノ

Hahahaha~~ (○´∀`)ノ

Tit & Tung

We went to Tivoli club again..+゚(((*゚▽゚)
Our standard clubbing place

Party outfit! (・∀・)
I wonder why I chose such an elegant dress
But I got some strange idea to mix dark blue, white and brown
Maybe I should have worn some more cute & sexy dress (ο´ω`)
Blue dress is bought from Vietnam

Leida style! ☆.。.:* So cool~

And Jiachan style! Cute ヽ@(^ェ^*)@ノ

I shouldn't take camera with me when we go clubbing because those photos always turn out so horrible! (o≧∀)o
Still I always take camera with me and take photos all the time as it's so much fun!

Some of my make-up had faded away (including nose contouring) so that's why my nose looks huge ヾ(´⌒`。)

Dancing and partying!
When we got home I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep when lied on the bed (゚∀゚)