Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What We Won Wednesday---4th week

Yep, it's that time again.  And we want to know what you won in the last week.  It could be a win from a blog giveaway, twitter party, national sweepstakes, scratch off ticket, 50/50 or whatever you want to share.  If you remember where you won it, share that too if you can.

The idea is of this is to:

1.  Encourage other to enter giveaways/sweeps/etc.
2.  Congratulate and share in each others joy
3.  Show that people really do win

I love to hear about your wins and i'm sure other do to. 

My wins in the last week:

1.  GLEE Gum pack from: : www.longwaitforisabella.blogspot.com
2.  Copy of "The Disappearing Spoon" from  http://tbfreviews.net (The book fairy reviews)
3.  $25 Chocomize gc from http://www.familymusings.com/2010/09/lots-of-winners-tonight.html

Also I had actually won it a while ago but I finally got my coupons for the year supply of SILK soymilk I won during their national "Green Caps" sweepstakes.  They do it every year. There's a grand prize and Instant win prizes online.  The years supply of SILK soymilk was actually and Instant win prize.

So ok I shared, now it's your turn.

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