Saturday, September 18, 2010


First I want to say OMG I got over 1 000 followers! Unbelievable !!! ゚(〃∇〃)*+☆ Thank you very much everyone (*≧∇≦*)

Today my mom came to wake me up and I asked if I wanted to go shopping to Keskinen department store with her and my brother. They had to buy some motorbike products for my brother. First I thought I wouldn't go because I don't like that store much and usually there's nothing for me.. but after a while I still decided to go with them. As I was still sleeping when my mom asked me I had to doll up myself very quickly. I didn't even do my hair (*^ ^*)

Here is outfit for shopping Actually I didn't feel like shopping so much because I just ordered many items online yesterday.

I was kinda surprised when I saw those deco pocket calculators at the shop! (◎д◎ ) Didn't buy it, though, because those don't have enough features I need at school in maths.

But that one with roses was really nice I have to admit (≧ω≦)♪♪

Only thing I bought was this knitted vest with fur and cute pom-pomsヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ I think it was really good purchase. Since I needed some warm clothes.. I'm always going just in my summer dresses (*^。^*) Brand of the vest is SHK Mode.. never heard.. so it's just off-brand to me (´∇`)

Today it didn't rain so much so I was able to take outfit photos outside (≧∪≦) Sorry if there's too many similar photos.. I couldn't decide which ones to post.. I also wish I had better camera. As my phone camera isn't that good, my face looks dark in some photos ( ̄ー ̄)

It's so autumnish outside (o^∇^)o Brown, yellow and orange leaves everywhere. Our garden is full of fly agarics! It looks pretty (`・ω・´)ゞ

So about my outfit..

Vest SHK Mode
Floral dress KappAhl
Earrings Liz Lisa
Heels Deary, Yumetenbo

Huge mushrooms !! (`・Д・´)