I went to Dollar General today. I decided to buy my toddler a small $2 car as a reward today. It was a very cute car for the price.
He wanted the car out of the little box so bad. When we got home his older brother tried to take it out of the box for him to play with only to discover that there is a small screw securing the car to the box. The only way to get the car out of the box without ruining it was to remove the screw. The screw was small, only slightly larger than a eye glass screw. It was also deep in the plastic. It took me 10 minutes and searching in the tool drawer and basement to find a screwdriver small enough to get at the screw. All the while my toddler is screaming for his car.
Now I'm asking this seriously, Is it REALLY necessary to package a $2 car like that?
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