Anyway, I'm really looking forward to a few things in particular that I'm getting, so I decided I'd just fill you all in as well. :) This list is in order of what I'm most excited for.
Mineral eyeshadows in: Earthy, Elegant, Sweet, Socialite, Wild, Confident, Natural, Caffeinated, Royal, and Trendy.
Studio Cream Eyeliner in Midnight
Studio Eye Transformer
Nail polish in Dark Navy, Innocent, Mint Cream, Smokey Brown, and Moonlight.
Studio Powder Brush
Studio Concealer Brush (I wanted the small angled brush but they've been out of stock forever >:(! )
All Over Cover Stick in Light Beige
Natural Radiance Blush in Shy
Tinted Moisturizer in Light Beige (I have this already and love it, so long as I use it with powder. I've used up over half of mine and will need more soon!)
Expect some major posts to come when I get my package! I'm excited to try these out- especially the cream eyeliner and eye transformer. The latter looks interesting/weird to me.