Tuesday, June 2, 2009

photo spam

we have spent many days advertising Tung's nail studio ヽ(´∀`*)ノ we have distributed over 1800 brochures ! v(o ̄∇ ̄o) and tomorrow again~ i've many photos to post, so here they come ! many many photos ( '∇^*)^☆

the master working (◎ゝ∀・)ノ

Tung made me these acrylic nails (○´艸`)

it's music theme (≧ω≦)♪♪

and we have arranged things on studio and just hanged out there (o^▽^o)

me and Ha \(*^∀^*)/

haha Tung wanted me to use that princess tiara ヽ(≧▽≦)/

princess & her prince ♥!

i also made Tung's nail.. but he didn't like it buhuuu~( ̄▽+ ̄*)

remember my last entry and ask questions (°▽ °;)!