I went to check out The Body Shop while at the mall the other day. I had my Groupon worth $45 (which I paid $10 for) and was looking for a good deal. I love the Nutriganics moisturizers, but at $24 and $22 a piece, I can only afford to buy them when they're on sale (and then I stock up!).
The sale they were having was a bag deal - there were these very large, high-quality pink canvas bags that would be good for overnight or beach use. I think the theme was the Royal Wedding and being treated like a princess. You bought the bag for $12 and got 30% off everything inside. This probably wouldn't be too good a deal on its own unless you're buying huge quantities of stuff (which I don't need, I just needed to stock up on my Nutriganics!) but Love Your Body members got an additional 20% off that day too. They also included a promo like the ones they sold at Christmas time - you got coupons for free items, one per week. Last time they gave away full-sized products worth over $60 total!
What I got:
Nutriganics day cream - 2 @ $22 each
Nutriganics night cream - 2 @ $24 each
Tea tree makeup remover cloths - $12
Promotional bag - $12
Total price: $116
30% off bag promo: minus $31.20
20% off LYB members: minus $16.96
Subtotal: $67.84
Minus $45 Groupon: $22.84
So after you count the $10 I paid for the Groupon, my grand total was $32.84 before tax! I'll also be receiving 4 free items over 4 weeks (starting May 9th), which I will eagerly post about as soon as I get them :)