Guess what? (〃^∇^)o I totally died when I saw photos of LIZ LISA's spring collection 2011
LIZ LISA had a runway show at Japan Fashion Week on 18th October ( '∇^*) It's really awesome that LIZ LISA was at JFW
It was only gal brand there
Other brands were high fashion and even more expensive brands than LIZ LISA!
So here comes photo spam, be prepared! (@^-゜@)v

Omg I'm so in love!!! Both onepieces are cute but I'm seriously thinking to get that romper. Colours fit well for spring.. oh how much I wish it was already spring and I could buy and wear those! By the way, I have the same earring as a model on left but just different shade of pink.

Fashion tip for next spring: lace ankle socks! They were seen so many times in LIZ LISA's runway show.

Ah! The boots on right! They are going to re-release them again. This time there will be beige colour. It seems like brown is going to disappear from LIZ LISA's clothes and accessories.. there's just light beige.

Gladiatot sandals on right.. interesting. I can't say if I like them or not.. XD

Those sandals with strings were seen on many models. They look kinda pretty. And top on right!! Must get item

was to show LIZ LISA's room wear and home line Chambre a Coucher

I wonder if the hairband on right is only for fashion show or will it be for sale. I want it!

So cute I feel like I want to get all of those..

But this two are my favourites! Babydoll top on right must get

Besides floral prints there are going to be checkered prints!

Wow the dress with roses on left

More checkered print and cute pink furry bag!
Here is also video of LIZ LISA's show at Japan Fashion Week! (≧∪≦) It's video clip of Tokyo fashion TV programme
LIZ LISA designers Hiromi Sato and Ayako Kon look so adorable (*∩・ω∩)。o゜ I love Hiromi's 'H' necklace I want to get similar 
The stage is also decorated in such a lovely way, look at all those roses on sides! (o^∇^)o I wish I was there..
On this video I can see Lena Fuji also modeling LIZ LISA. Wonder why I can't see her on photos above or maybe I've just becomen totally blind O_O
What do you think of the LIZ LISA's upcoming collection?。゜+。(*ゝз・*) I can't wait for the spring because I'm just so in love with those clothes!!!
It's not so long time since LIZ LISA autumn items for this year came for sale and I still haven't got all of those items I want to get. And now I already saw spring collection, oh no! My poor bank account..

So here comes photo spam, be prepared! (@^-゜@)v

Omg I'm so in love!!! Both onepieces are cute but I'm seriously thinking to get that romper. Colours fit well for spring.. oh how much I wish it was already spring and I could buy and wear those! By the way, I have the same earring as a model on left but just different shade of pink.

Fashion tip for next spring: lace ankle socks! They were seen so many times in LIZ LISA's runway show.

Ah! The boots on right! They are going to re-release them again. This time there will be beige colour. It seems like brown is going to disappear from LIZ LISA's clothes and accessories.. there's just light beige.

Gladiatot sandals on right.. interesting. I can't say if I like them or not.. XD

Those sandals with strings were seen on many models. They look kinda pretty. And top on right!! Must get item

was to show LIZ LISA's room wear and home line Chambre a Coucher

I wonder if the hairband on right is only for fashion show or will it be for sale. I want it!

So cute I feel like I want to get all of those..

But this two are my favourites! Babydoll top on right must get

Besides floral prints there are going to be checkered prints!

Wow the dress with roses on left

More checkered print and cute pink furry bag!
Here is also video of LIZ LISA's show at Japan Fashion Week! (≧∪≦) It's video clip of Tokyo fashion TV programme

The stage is also decorated in such a lovely way, look at all those roses on sides! (o^∇^)o I wish I was there..

What do you think of the LIZ LISA's upcoming collection?。゜+。(*ゝз・*) I can't wait for the spring because I'm just so in love with those clothes!!!