Wednesday, March 10, 2010

♡boom boom⌒♡+゚

here is the most new items i bought when i was still in Helsinki~(*≧∇≦*)

hairy ball strap~( ̄▽+ ̄*) wwww so cute (><)。*゚+❤ actually it's phone strap but i already have Rilakkuma in my phone and this strap is quite big! soo~ i thought it's better as a bag accessory (*yωy*)

it's says LIZ LISA but i really doubt if it's real.. probably just some chinese fake~ but it's okay! bought this from Luca. actually i wanted pink one but those were sold out but white is nice too (゜・^*)

new earrings♥ (o´∀`)ノ i love all those litte details.. even though these earrings are pretty heavy T_T they are from GinaTricot.

do you still remember when i told i made Valentine's Day gift for Tung? but 'coz i made it in such a hurry i totally forgot to take pics. but i took now!

cover of photo book with title '50 Memories of Us'

back cover of the book

so, there were 50 different pictures of us. one photo every page. and i decorated every spread in different way.. and damn it took over 10 hours from me v(o ̄∇ ̄o)

beside photos i write something to every page so the book contained also letter. but i censored the text here, i don't allow you to read my letter for Tung >8D

this was my favourite deoration (*゜▽゜)/