I am proud to say that I did pay of 3 debts last year. Unfortunately, I have a lot of debt from a previous marriage that I am handling on my own. (My ex won't help with them though they were joint debts). I have a strong desire to rebuild my credit and eliminate my debt.
I've heard about different methods but none of them really hit me. Some co-workers were discussing "Dave Ramsey" one day and I listened in. I didn't know much about his method and never really looked into it. I thought "I can do this my own way". While I did manage to pay off a few debts it still seemed so overwhelming to me.
Fate seemed to toss me a bone today. I logged out of my email account and found a link to "Woman in Red Racer" Here is info directly from the msn Woman in Red Racers group as to what it is about:
"We are an informal, mostly online group, comprised of thousands of women (and some men) around the country--dedicated to finding financial sanity. Some of you know this already.
"The Women in Red (WIR) began about five years ago, when MP Dunleavey started writing about a small group of real women in her column, who were struggling with debt, job loss, growing kids, reluctant husbands and other financial issues. (Read one of the most popular WIR articles here.)"
Source: http://bit.ly/8gb5rt
They say they go along the lines of Dave Ramsey using the snowball method which really made sense to me when I read it and they explained it further. I joined the northeast group. I'm strapping down and getting really serious this year. If you too want to check it out here is a link:
I've also enclosed a link to Dave Ramsey's book if anyone was curious about that. I have some friends that say it really works.