Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

scrubbing bubbles automatic shower cleaner

I received a free scrubbing bubbles automatic shower cleaner from being a member of In my "bzzkit" was also the new scrubbing bubbles gel toilet cleaner with wand.

I cleaned my bathroom first. Then I put together the automatic shower cleaner. (didn't take much just had to insert batteries that came with it, insert hanging hook and the cleaner bottle.) I tried it right away just to see how it worked. I have a shower with a curtain so i was skeptical of how well it would work. There is a 15 sec timer before it starts spraying (my concern before trying was that i'd spray myself in the eye with it, but that does't happen with the timer.) You could hear it spraying but it doesn't spray long. Not sure if it goes around just 1 time. I wonder how well it's really going to work over time. I'll keep you up to date on it.

Also the scrubbing bubbles gel toilet bowl cleaner. I really wanted to try this because I am one who usually uses the 2000 flushes, or sani fresh hanging toilet cakes. With this one, there is an application wand already pre-filled with the cleaning gel. After you clean your toilet you use the wand to apply the gel disc to the inside of the toilet bowl. I was curious to see how well it would really stick. (each application is supposed to last for a week). The application was more difficult then it showed on tv. There is a button you push in and hope you don't push to hard fo it to click onto the next notch. It did however apply the gel and the disk is still in place after 2 days. It does seem to keep my toilet bowl cleaner than normal.

I also have a few $5 off coupons for the automatic shower cleaner I received as part of my bzzkit. If anyone is interested leave a comment on my blog and I'll be glad to get one to you while my supply lasts.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Urban Decay Primer Potion SIN

To be honest with you... I didn't like it at first. I'm a fan now but it took a few days for me to like it. It's a beautiful shimmering champagne color that creates a great all over color as well as an amazing highlight. When I first put it on it looked kinda mauve-y and was not a good look on me. I just needed to be in different lighting. It's the same as the original UDPP expect it has color to it. It does the same thing in helping your shadow stay ALL DAY! This can be worn alone or if you are in a hurry just add a darker color to your crease and the shimmer creates a beautiful highlight on your brow bone!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Korres Ginger and Vitamin Foundation

Korres foundation = AMAZING!

As most of you know I am NOT a foundation fan. There is just something about it that makes me look very unnatural. My skin has been extremely dry this winter and the Bare Minerals just wasn't looking right. It was setting in all my new fine lines and made my face look kinda flakey from the dryness.

The Korres Ginger and Vitamin foundation is a dewy, creamy, sheer, water based, light to medium foundation. It still makes you look like YOU while covering your imperfections such as redness and uneven skin tone.
MSN Shopping says "This lightweight, water based formula contains ginger extract to tone and moisturize while vitamins C and E protect the skin from external damage."

This is the most natural looking foundation I've ever tried! What else is amazing about it is that is natural. It is formulated WITHOUT:- Parabens- Sulfates- Synthetic Fragrances- Synthetic Dyes- PhthalatesWhat else you need to know:Ginger & Vitamins Foundation contains an SPF 10 and is part of the Korres Color Collection, a range of homeopathic formulas that provide flawless color and skincare benefits from natural ingredients.

The first day I wore it I had two compliments that my skin looked so smooth and dewy.
I'm hooked. Can't wait to try Korres Wild Rose foundation.

Hands down best foundation I've tried so far. Retails for $28 at Sephora's. It comes in a tube so you get more product for your money! No more shaking the foundation bottle to get the last drop out!

I got the color LF2 (even numbers are for warm skin tones).

PS- Angelina Jolie is also a fan!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Baby Diaper Rash Cream on your face? WHAT?

Lollipop26 mentioned not that long ago that she used Sudocrem (which is a diaper rash cream for babies) and it worked wonders on her face. I don't know if they sell that brand in the US but I've got babies so you better believe I've got diaper cream at my house. I thought I'd try it because hey it couldn't hurt. Diaper rash cream is made to soothe, moisturize, calm, reduce redness, and helped chapped's made for the MOST SENSITIVE skin (a baby)!

THIS DID WONDERS. You know the saying..."as smooth as a baby's bottom"...well...I'm here to tell you... that's what your face will feel like. No joke.

I have a lot of redness in my skin and it's been extremely dry and flaky from the cold this winter. I put the cream on my face (I used A&D ointment but you could use any brand) and let it sit on my face for 2 hours ( some people sleep with it on). When I washed it! So smooth and a lot less red....and felt SO moisturized! I read that it can also help with acne because it has zinc oxide in it.

I highly, highly recommend you try this...yes the thought of putting diaper rash cream on your face is kinda weird but it really works and you'll be on your way to being as smooth as a baby's bottom!:) :) :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

HAPPY VALENTINE'S♥ &Ranzuki marshmallow coordinate

hyvää ystävänpäivää ! (*´∀`*) toivottavasti vietitte mukavan ystävänpäivän (●´∀`●)/ mun ystävänpäiväni oli kyllä harvinaisen tylsä.. meni siinä kotona datatessa mitään aikaan saamatta (._.) otin muutamia kuvia, mitään päivän asu juttua ei nyt kuitenkaa oo, koska tän päivän asu oli vaan kotonahengausasu. tällä hetkellä mulla on myös paha kriisi naamani kanssa, joten vaikea saada mitään kuvia, jotka tyydyttäisivät.. anyway sain tänä vuonna jopa ystävänpäivälahjojakin ! ( ´∀`) keskiviikkona sain tungilta kirjeen ja lahjaksi rannekorun, korviksen, kaulakorun ja sormuksen ♥ lisäksi koulukavereilta sain suklaata, sydäntikkareita ja kortteja ヽ(´▽`)/

1. tässä siis rannekoru tungilta~♥ tung osti meille molemmille samanlaiset (*ω*) 2. korvakoru tungilta ! tällaiset on meille molemmilla myös, toinen parista mulla, toinen tungilla♪ kaulakorusta ja sormuksesta en muistanut ottaa kuvaa enkä jaksa enää etsiä kameraa :'D pahoittelen myös tärähtänyttä kuvaa..

mulla olisi ihan sairaasti kaikkia postausideoita, mutta tuntuu ettei aikaa ja innostusta riitä toteuttamaan niitä.. (´Д`)ノ yleensä kun ajattelen aloittavani tekemään tänne merkintää niin kaikki inspiraatio lopahtaa kesken kaiken. tämän hetkisiä ideoita ovat ainakin:

vanhoja kuvia musta, ns. 'tyylikehitys', jota on pyydetty
scanneja, scanneja.. olis niin paljon joita tahtoisin tänne postaa
ulzzang & korealainen tyyli
kiinalainen & taiwanilainen tyyli
kesäoutfitteja näin kesää odotellessa
kuvia ihmisten tyyleistä mm. janice man, angelababy, ringo, suzu etcetc..
eye make up -jutskii
lempparibrändien kivoja uusia vaatteita &mallistoja
omia päivän asuja..
nail art juttuu
"uudet muoti-ilmiöt ja tulevan sesongin erikoisuudet ja pointit" joku kävi tääl jonkin aikaa sitten ruikuttaa, että eihän tämä voi olla mikään ns. 'muotiblogi' koska blogi ei kuulemma sisällä näitä juttuja. täytyy siis varmaan jotain tällaistakin väsätä.. :D olishan tohonkin juttuun ideoita mistä kirjottaa mutta voi kun vaan jaksaiskin..
edellinen merkintä oli ageha 2/09 hiustyyleistä, mutta olis niin paljon hiustyylikuvia postattavana muualtakin !

huhhuh no johan oli melkoinen lista... saa nähdä toteutuuko nää koskaan :D

loppuun vielä kuvia helmikuun Ranzukin 'Marshmallow Coordinate' -jutusta ! nää on ylisuloisia asuja, muistuttaa aika paljon sweet galia~

ps. oon miettinyt kannattaisko mun alkaa kirjottamaan tänne englanniksi.. koska oon huomannut, että aika moni kävijöistä on muualtakin kuin suomesta.. so, should i or not?

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Bachelor

Ok, so this is totally non make-up related but I'm dying with anticipation for the finale. From day one I've been trying to guess who he was going to pick like most of us girls do. I came across a page called and it's totally changed on how I think of the show. I'm still obsessed but now I'm kinda confused.
Apparently there is a HUGE bombshell that's going to be dropped on us...something we never saw coming. Realitysteve tells us that the motto for this season is "not everything is as it seems".
He quotes-
"I’ve never been one to ever spoil anything upcoming on the “Bachelor”, and I’m not about to start doing it either. But I just wanted to remind everyone to remember this date of January 27th, a good month before the finale airs. Just when you think ABC fell asleep at the wheel, and just when the message boarders thought they had this season figured out by dissecting pictures, and freeze framing shots, and looking at pinky rings, and freckles, etc. Just when everyone and their mothers thought they knew what was going on this season on the “Bachelor”, ABC decided to grow a brain and pull a fast one. All I will say is this: Not everything is as seems, and just when you think you know, you don’t know. DO NOT believe everything you see or read. You’re gonna have to think on this one. So when the finale airs, and your jaw hits the floor, just remember Reality Steve warned you ahead of time. Deal?"

Ok, so ABC is going to pull a fast one on us? Was this season scripted? Was everything fake?
Realitysteve gives us clues that help us figure out the ending so far they are

1. K.Moon/Rebecca- clue means Keith Moon from the WHO and Rebecca Howe from Cheers. So, clue means "It's not who he picks but HOW he does it". So the bombshell is not WHO he picks but HOW he picks her. Hmmmmm... I wanna know MORE.

2. 2/3 I have no idea what this clue means yet. He hasn't yet said because nobody has figured it out. My theory is out of the final 3 girls only 1 is real and the others are actors.

3. Montreal- don't know what this means yet but some say the clue means "exposure". Everything will be exposed in the finale.

Ok, so go to and get obsessed trying to figure it all out, too.
What do you think is going to happen???

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

小悪魔ageha hairstyles

lupaamani hiustyylikuvat ! ja edelleen ovat helmikuun agehasta (^u^)/

^ uuu~ tää on ihanin \(* O *)/♥

Sunday, February 8, 2009

blabla + 小悪魔ageha outfits

eilen olin tampereella traconissa~ noh tosin oikeestaan mun läsnäolo siellä oli aika turha, joten ois varmaan voinut ihan hyvin jättää väliinkin... mulla ei oo mitään kuvia, koska mun kamerassa oli vaan tyhjät patterit. eikä mulla oo mitään muiden ottamia kuviakaan. no enpä kyllä pahemmin kuvauksellinen ollut, joten ei siinä sit varmaan suurempaa vahinkoa käynyt :D yhteen videoon kuitenkin näköjään oon onnistunut jotenkin tunkee~ with ryu, nono ja ayu ! ryun ja ayun aicle-cossi oli mun mielestä hienoin koko conis ! (* - *)


JESH! :D oon sittenkin päässyt kuvaan~ eli siis jossai tollasessa asussa olin. tää kuva on kyl aika hehkee. mun silmät oli puoliksi kiinni, joten tarvitsin vähän sensuuria..

tämän hetkiset kynnet:

helmikuun agehasta siis nyt kuvia, jotta tässä merkinnässä ois ees jotain mielenkiintoistakin~ tällä kertaa kuvia vaatteista/asuista, jos myöhemmin vielä jaksan taikka ehdin niin varmaan tulee vielä kuvia hiustyyleistäkin.